Title: The study on employers' satisfaction with economics graduates in Karaganda region
Abstract:Object: In modern social and economic conditions, to solve the problem of employment of graduates of higher education institutions it is necessary to develop approaches, organizational and methodical ...Object: In modern social and economic conditions, to solve the problem of employment of graduates of higher education institutions it is necessary to develop approaches, organizational and methodical principles of creation and functioning of the system of assistance in the employment of graduates. This system of employment assistance should be integrated into the system of education of the university and should match modern social conditions. It is important to develop new mechanisms for interaction between the higher education system and the labor market.Methods: To determine the set of competencies that a graduate should possess to be competitive in the labor market, the authors conducted a marketing study on employers' satisfaction with economics graduates and identified the competencies required by the labor market. The survey was conducted among managers of state enterprises and business organizations in Karaganda city. Intending to improve its representativity, the survey concerned the economics graduates, as the leading universities of Karaganda are generally focused on providing educational services in economic specialties.Results: In the article, the authors show the regional specifics of the employment of graduates-economists of higher educational institutions. At the same time, the acquired competencies in the process of purchasing educational services should satisfy the needs of the labor market.Conclusions: Based on the results of the study, the authors gave practical recommendations on the development of new organizational and economic mechanisms for integrating the labor market and educational services market.Read More