Title: Energetics of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn) Cultivation as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management
Abstract:The present study is based on the analysis of yield obtained from the Front Line Demonstration Programmes (as Demonstration is one of the most time-tested method in Extension Education) on Oilseed Cro...The present study is based on the analysis of yield obtained from the Front Line Demonstration Programmes (as Demonstration is one of the most time-tested method in Extension Education) on Oilseed Crops (viz.Sesame, Rapeseed and Mustard and Linseed) organized by the Rathindra KVK in Medium and High Land Farming Situations of Birbhum District and comparative yield analysis over the Birbhum District Average and the West Bengal State Average.The study revealed that the FLD Programme on Sesame; Rapeseed and Mustard and Linseed produced an average yield higher than the Birbhum District Average and also higher than the State Average consistently over the years (as mentioned in the Paper) with the one and only exception in the Rabi Season of 2017-18, when the State Average Yield of Rapeseed and Mustard was higher than the Average yield achieved in the Rathindra KVK FLD Progtramme.The Study also pointed out another important fact that the Birbhum District average yield of Sesame; Rapeseed and Mustard and Linseed were consistently and significantly lower than the state Average with only bright and positive exception in the case of Linseed (the Birbhum District Average Yield of Linseed was higher than that of the state average in both the years of 2016-17 and 2017-18) showing a huge un-tapped potential for production of Linseed in the District.The study further showed us that the positive yield gap achieved by the FLD Programme on Sesame, Rapeseed and Mustard and Linseed over Birbhum District Average Yield and at same time over the West Bengal State Average Yield was consistently and significantly higher in the specified time period with the only exception in the Rabi Season of 2017-18, when the State Average Yield of Rapeseed and Mustard was slightly higher (by 0.25 q / ha) over the average yield obtained from Rathindra KVK FLD Programme. Highlightsm The present study revealed that the FLD Programme on Sesame; Rapeseed and Mustard and Linseed produced an average yield significantly higher than the Birbhum District Average and also higher than the State Average (with very few exceptions) consistently over the years.Read More