Title: Effect of TRIPMEXX Additives on Engine Performance of a 1.6L Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine
Abstract:Abstract This study discusses the findings of the project data obtained from the experimental work. It was based on the analysis of experimental output responses obtained which were Brake Specific Fue...Abstract This study discusses the findings of the project data obtained from the experimental work. It was based on the analysis of experimental output responses obtained which were Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC), power and engine torque. A 1.6L multi-cylinder gasoline engine was used to investigate the effect of TRIPMEXX on the fuel economy. The experiment was performed at variations of engine speed (1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 rpm) with a constant engine load of 40 Nm. From the results obtained, it showed that brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), power and engine torque for TRIPMEXX were better than gasoline fuel without TRIPMEXX fuel additive. Combustion efficiency of gasoline engine has improved with the use of TRIPMEXX fuel additives. Overall, Fuel Economy, Power and Engine Torque for 1 ml + 10L RON95 fuel sample showed the best results for all measured parameters at all engine test conditions.Read More