Title: An Analysis of the Effects of School Practice Courses (School Experience, Teaching Practice) on Prospective Physical Education Teachers' Attitudes towards Physical Education Teaching as a Profession (Case of Düzce University)
Abstract:The study is conducted to examine the effects of school practice courses on prospective physical education teachers' attitudes towards their professions. 73 pre-service teachers, 30 women and 43 men, ...The study is conducted to examine the effects of school practice courses on prospective physical education teachers' attitudes towards their professions. 73 pre-service teachers, 30 women and 43 men, who took teaching practice courses in the spring semester of 2018-2019, participated in the study at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Education, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Düzce University. As a pre-test and post-test, the 23-item '' Attitude towards the Physical Education Teaching Profession '' test consisting of the sub-dimensions of ''love for the profession '' and ''professional anxiety'' developed by Unlu (2011) was applied. SPSS 20.0 package program was used in the analysis the data. Paired Samples t-test was used for the analysis of pretest-posttest results. Independent Samples t-test was used in binary variables and One-Way ANOVA test was used in variables with three or more groups. Significance level was taken as p <0.05. In conclusion; the analyzes for the sub-dimensions of attitude to the physical education profession and total attitudes were compared, a significant difference in favor of the posttest in terms of love for the profession, professional anxiety and total attitudes towards the profession was observed. Regarding the gender variable, pre-test and post-test scores of female participants show they have a higher attitude towards love sub-dimension. According to the national athlete variable, the pre-test and post-test scores of non-national teacher trainees are higher in the sub-dimension of love for the profession than nationals.Read More