Title: Estimation of Acupressure Technique for Controlling of Gag Reflex of Prosthetic Patients
Abstract:Aims: to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure on Chengijiang (REN- 24) point in controlling of gag reflex in hypersensitive male and female patients attending for prosthetic treatment. Materials ...Aims: to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure on Chengijiang (REN- 24) point in controlling of gag reflex in hypersensitive male and female patients attending for prosthetic treatment. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients complaining from gag reflex during prosthetic treatment were selected. Fifteen were males and fifteen were females. The gag duration of each patient according to Ellinger classification was scored before and after acupressure. Statistical analysis to the results using Mann-Wittni test was done. Results: This study showed significant differences in scores of gagged patients (both males and females) before and after acupressure (P < 0.005); while there were no significant differences between scores of male patients after acupressure and scores of female patients after acupressure. Conclusion: Acupressure is a safe, quick, non invasive technique can be done by dentist or dental assistant to alleviate gag reflex of prosthetic patient.Read More