Title: The Evaluation of Sunflower Seed Meal as Protein Source in Lamb Ration
Abstract:Abstract Sunflower seeds meal is one of feed ingredient that has crude protein content similar to coconut meal. Sunflower seeds meal contains unsaturated fatty acids and crude fiber in high concentrat...Abstract Sunflower seeds meal is one of feed ingredient that has crude protein content similar to coconut meal. Sunflower seeds meal contains unsaturated fatty acids and crude fiber in high concentration. In this study we use female lamb as animal model with average of body weight 13.58 ± 1.82 kg and aged 2 to 3 months. The experimental design used a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatments and 4 groups, Treatment without addition of sunflower seeds meal (P0), with addition of 10% sunflower seeds meal (P1), and with addition of 15% sunflower seed meal (P2). Based on the results it can be concluded that substitution of sunflower seeds meal in diet did not improve feed consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency, as well as metabolites of blood glucose and cholesterol. The use of sunflower seed meal in diet up to 15% is still safe for performance of ewes.Read More