Title: Foreign Communities and Urban Space in the Czech Republic
Abstract:The article introduces selected foreign communities that since the 1990s have become a part of the urban space of Czech towns and cities.It familiarises the reader with research into the Ukrainian, Sl...The article introduces selected foreign communities that since the 1990s have become a part of the urban space of Czech towns and cities.It familiarises the reader with research into the Ukrainian, Slovak, Georgian, Chinese, and Vietnamese communities and argues that each of these communities has elected a slightly different strategy for adapting to the urban environment.The particular strategies that have been chosen range from that of the labour-migration model to multicultural and assimilative strategies.The labour-migration strategy dominates among the Ukrainian communities, while the assimilative strategy is most prominent among the Slovak communities.The other groups to a greater or lesser degree tend to create a multicultural environment.The article includes data on the number of members in each of the specific enclaves, on where the members reside and their economic activities, and to a limited extent also on their family and social life.Read More