Title: Communication in the Hospitality Industry: Azzuma Korean Restaurant in Malaysia
Abstract:The restaurant is one of the important facilities in the hospitality industry. It supports the guest's comfort when staying at a hotel. The restaurant serves to provide food and drinks for guests who ...The restaurant is one of the important facilities in the hospitality industry. It supports the guest's comfort when staying at a hotel. The restaurant serves to provide food and drinks for guests who stay and visit the hotel. The waiter served this service. The role of the waiter is one of an influential factor in bridging between guests and food providers. Therefore, waiters are required to be good in communication, whether in national or international languages. Language skills are important to support the work of waiters or waitresses because language is the ability possessed by humans to communicate with other humans. Hence, the research was conducted to found out the obstacles faced by waiters when served Korean guests and how to overcome the obstacles of waiters when served Korean guests. This research was conducted for five months at Azzuma Restaurant in Nilai Springs Resort Hotel, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia. This research applied a qualitative research design. The data collection was collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. Based on the research, there were two findings related to communication skills in the hospitality industry. First, the waiters faced several obstacles when served Korean guests at Azuma Fusion restaurant. Therefore the information can not be transferred well from the customer to the waiter. Second, it was found that there are several ways to overcome the obstacles when served Korean guests at Azuma Fusion restaurant.Read More