Title: Innovar enseñando: la educación del futuro. Las TICs como factor motivador en la enseñanza
Abstract:This research is based on the analysis of the different technological tools that the teacher has at their disposal.According to statistical data on internet consumption, social networks and the applic...This research is based on the analysis of the different technological tools that the teacher has at their disposal.According to statistical data on internet consumption, social networks and the applications most used by users, the objective of the research is focused on making available to the teacher the necessary information about the technological resources that teachers have at their disposal in a single click, as well as what I can incorporate into their teaching process using the applications that we usually use on their devices (mobile phones, computers and tablets) and, with this, encourage and motivate both teachers and students in the use of specific tools to improve the quality of teaching.On the one hand, information on technological resources available to teachers is presumed vital, given the rapid and continuous technological innovation; and on the other, the lack of material time available to teachers to devote to these purposes, without forgetting elements such as technophobia as a barrier that must be broken peacefully to reduce the digital divide in teaching and to visualize technological processes as an ally of the teacher.Read More