Title: Joint event: 7th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry - South East Europe (RSE–SEE 7) and 8th Kurt Schwabe Symposium - Editorial
Abstract:<p class="PaperParagraf">This special issue of <em>j</em>ESE contains a collection of articles that were originally presented at 7<sup>th</sup> Regional Symposium on Elec...<p class="PaperParagraf">This special issue of <em>j</em>ESE contains a collection of articles that were originally presented at 7<sup>th</sup> Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry-South East Europe (RSE–SEE 7) that was held jointly with 8<sup>th</sup> Kurt Schwabe Symposium, on 27-30 May 2019, in Split, Croatia. This gathering was intended to facilitate exchange of ideas and collaborations among experts, engineers and beginners in the field of electrochemistry.</p>Read More