Title: Study on the Diversity of Spiders (Order: Araneae) of Lalbagh Botanical Garden and Tavarekere Park, Bangalore South
Abstract:Spiders belonging to Order Araneae are the largest order in the Class Arachnida and aid in natural pest control. This study focuses on the diversity of spiders in Lalbagh Botanical Garden and Tavareke...Spiders belonging to Order Araneae are the largest order in the Class Arachnida and aid in natural pest control. This study focuses on the diversity of spiders in Lalbagh Botanical Garden and Tavarekere Park in Bangalore, Karnataka. The survey was conducted at the respective locations from June to December 2019 which is a period of seven months by using methods like point observation and random sampling using trails. During the study, a total of 21 species belonging to 16 genera and 10 families were documented. Family Salticidea was found to have 6 numbers of species which is the highest as compared to the other families. The statistical analyses and diversity indices were calculated for each study sites. These types of surveys are important for the study of the prevalence of the spider population in given habitats and to create a biodiversity database of spider fauna at the respective study site.Read More