Title: Vittorio Alfieri and the autobiographical genre: Vita between real and imagination
Abstract:This research work wants to analyse the difference between the literary side of the author’s biography and his real existential experience.
The first part of the research, “La Vita come memoria selet...This research work wants to analyse the difference between the literary side of the author’s biography and his real existential experience.
The first part of the research, “La Vita come memoria selettiva”, deals with the author’s workshop and wants to analyse the elaborative phases of the autobiographical text, supplied with manuscript 13 and 24.
The first paragraph of the thesis, whose title is “Presenza e significato del paratesto nella Vita”, analyses the textual apparatus of the autobiography.
The second paragraph, “Figure e Figuranti nella Vita”, analyses the characters,mentioned and unmentioned, in the autobiographic work. At the end, the third paragraph, “Francesco Elia, il servo che dirige il suo padrone. Aspetti della commedia settecentesca nella Vita”, concentrates on the study of the servant’s character.
The second part, written in an innovative tone, wants to study the personality of Alfieri in depth.
The last chapter, “La memoria delle cose”,concentrates on a series of objects of different importance in the author’s autobiography that is full of consonances and discordances between reality and imagination.Read More