Title: Clinical Evaluation of the Retention of Resin and Glass Ionomer Sealants Applied as a Part of School-Based Caries Prevention Program
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Using of sealant on pits and fissures is likely one of the most generally well-known strategies by the new cavity-prevention systems.
 AIM: The purpose of this research is to measure ...BACKGROUND: Using of sealant on pits and fissures is likely one of the most generally well-known strategies by the new cavity-prevention systems.
 AIM: The purpose of this research is to measure the retentiveness of sealants of resin-modified ionomer glass cement (GIC) and resin pits and fissures, on the first permanent molars of special patients as a part of caries prevention program in schools.
 METHODS: The sample was comprised by 60 molars. Resin-based sealants on one side and glass-ionomer sealant on the contralateral side of the mouth. The molars were examined in three and six months after application for retention with three standards: TR: Totally Retained; PR: Partially Retained; and CL: Completely Lost.
 RESULTS: by the end of the study 60% of resin sealant was present. While 55% of GIC were retentive after 6 months.
 CONCLUSION: Resin sealants are more retentive than glass ionomer sealants in school-based carries prevention program.Read More