Title: The Landscape of Peace Education Programs in Children’s and Youth Museums
Abstract:Taking on the role of educational community centers, some children’s and youth museums have offered activities designed to help solve social problems. Some museums offer peace education programs since...Taking on the role of educational community centers, some children’s and youth museums have offered activities designed to help solve social problems. Some museums offer peace education programs since conflict resolution may be the biggest challenge facing today’s multicultural, global society. For the purposes of this article, “peace education” is broadly defined as the process of developing empathy for others and for the planet through mutual respect and conflict resolution. This can only be achieved by a willingness to learn and embrace the attitudes, skills, and behaviors needed to live in harmony with oneself, with others and with natural environment. However, there has not been much research conducted about the peace education programs implemented thus far in museums. The aim of this study was to examined the landscape of children's and young museums programs interms of their peace education related goals, process and strategies. After reviewing the existing literature on the subject, we designed a survey and then interviewed museum professionals who have been involved in staging these programs. A total of 239 professionals working in education departments of children’sand youth museums were invited to complete an online survey; 77 responded. The findings suggest that children’sand youth museums are uniquely positioned to bring about meaningful social change by implementing peace education strategies.Read More