Title: Log as a Secure Service Scheme (LASS) for Cloud
Abstract:Cloud computing is widely used platform now a days. Cloud computing has brought many advantages to our existing platforms like economy of scale, availability, security and other major changes to compu...Cloud computing is widely used platform now a days. Cloud computing has brought many advantages to our existing platforms like economy of scale, availability, security and other major changes to computing platforms by implementing architectures like SASS, PASS and IASS. Many types of researches are going on to make cloud computing platform more reliable to users (single or entity) and consumers. This research paper focuses on log management in cloud computing and shows how logs are used as a valuable information source on cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google GCP etc. We present Lass scheme a framework that can allow the cloud platforms to save log files in non-volatile storage in a unified format which can help in virtual machine restoration and monitoring accounts for errors and can also help in forensics process. Lass provides framework to collect log from different sources depending upon the type of service used in cloud platforms. Lass provide a way through which log of the user can be protected and the privacy of the user log can be preserved.Read More