Title: Consumer Behaviour: Current Realities and Global Trends
Abstract:The article analyses the current realities of consumer behaviour, the reasons that prompted the population to change the vector of their consumer strategies, global and Russian trends in consumption. ...The article analyses the current realities of consumer behaviour, the reasons that prompted the population to change the vector of their consumer strategies, global and Russian trends in consumption. The economic and political upheavals of recent years, consisting in the food embargo, the devaluation of the ruble, the decline in buyers’ incomes have led retailers and their suppliers to understand and respond quickly to the transformation of the needs of the population, its resource capabilities and motivations for buying. The development of digital technologies, online market, the emergence of innovative instruments of the transaction entails the formation of new trends in consumption that require constant evaluation and monitoring. Data on customer behaviour in combination with demographic trends, indicate a steady shift, which leads to the fact that purchases will be more deliberate and targeted. Demonstrative consumption will give way to a more practical one. A free search of the transaction will be replaced by higher selectivity of purchases and the use of equipment and tools that have emerged during the crisis.Read More