Title: Farming Households' Livelihood Strategies In Ndabakazi Villages, Eastern Cape: What Are The Implications To Extension Services?
Abstract:Using a retrospective and circumspective approach, this paper looks at how livelihood strategies have changed during pre and post-democratic eras in rural former Transkei of the Eastern Cape, and iden...Using a retrospective and circumspective approach, this paper looks at how livelihood strategies have changed during pre and post-democratic eras in rural former Transkei of the Eastern Cape, and identifies present livelihood strategies in Ndabakazi.The focus of the research was Ndabakazi, a cluster of rural villages in the former Transkei.A survey of 80 household heads was conducted using semi-structured questionnaires, complemented by focus group discussions.The findings show that farming and wage labour have been declining over time as major sources of income, while social grants have become increasingly important.Field crop cultivation has been completely abandoned and garden cultivation is declining.The overall findings show that livelihood strategies have continued to change from land based livelihoods to non-farm and later non-labour.The paper argues the importance of understanding a farm household in the perspective of household economics theory and to incorporate the diverse portfolio of livelihood strategies in farming households into the extension advisory service in order to render relevant and appropriate service.Read More