Title: The Effect of Jigsaw Methode and Motivation on Students’ of Learning Outcomes
Abstract:This study aims to: (1) investigate the effect of Jigsaw cooperative learning on students learning outcomes; (2) find the difference in learning outcomes between high and low learning motivation and (...This study aims to: (1) investigate the effect of Jigsaw cooperative learning on students learning outcomes; (2) find the difference in learning outcomes between high and low learning motivation and (3) find the interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation towards learning outcomes. The population of the study is students of grade IVa, IVb, IVc at SD Kasih Ibu Patumbak and the sample in this study is grade IVa with 35 students and grade IVb with 35 students. The results show that: (1) the average student learning outcomes of jigsaw cooperative learning is 28.40 while conventional is 24.14. Thus, students learning outcomes that get cooperative learning of jigsaw type are higher than conventional learning, (2) Students who have high motivation get an average value = 30.74, while low motivation is 22.72. Thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes having high learning motivation and low learning motivation, and (3) students learning outcomes taught by jigsaw cooperative learning are high learning motivation groups (32.94), and low learning motivation groups (24.58), while students taught with conventional learning are high learning motivation groups (28.40 ), and low motivation groups (20,95). Thus, there is no interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation towards learning outcomes.Read More