Title: Air-Fall Ash from the Main Crater of Asama Volcano on August 7, 2019, and its Water-Soluble Components
Abstract:We collected volcanic ash immediately following the eruption of Mt. Asama on August 7, 2019, observed the characteristics of ash particles, and analyzed the water-soluble components. The volcanic ash ...We collected volcanic ash immediately following the eruption of Mt. Asama on August 7, 2019, observed the characteristics of ash particles, and analyzed the water-soluble components. The volcanic ash consisted mostly of altered fragments, and no clear evidence of essential materials was found. The volcanic ash contained large amounts of water-soluble components, Cl and SO 4 at concentrations of 8,710 mg/kg and 49,100 mg/kg, respectively. These results indicate that this eruption was caused by the phreatic explosion and that part of the volcanic edifice of Mt. Asama was fractured and emitted.Read More