Title: Başlangıcından Günümüze Cyanotype’ın Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Örnek Bir Proje: “Istanbul Mavisi”
Abstract:Cyanotype (blueprint / blue print) was discovered by astronomer and chemist John Frederick William Herschel in 1842. Cyanotype is a mixture of two different chemicals, ammonium ferric citrate and pota...Cyanotype (blueprint / blue print) was discovered by astronomer and chemist John Frederick William Herschel in 1842. Cyanotype is a mixture of two different chemicals, ammonium ferric citrate and potassium ferric cyanide. The process of creating Cyanotype is as follows: these two chemicals are diluted in equal amounts according to a certain formula, and the prepared solution is brushed on a surface. Then, this surface (paper, fabric, wood) is exposed to ultraviolet light. Finally, the surface is cleaned with water. The first extensive use of cyanotype was in the 1950’s, in the field of botany. At the end of 19th Century, it was used to copy architectural plans. At the beginning of the 20th century, Cyanotypes started to take place in amateur photo albums. In the 1960’s, Cyanotype reemerged again during the alternative photography wave; a good example is Robert Rauschenberg’s body cyanotypes. Cyanotype, has been regularly used since 1960. Today, many artists prefer to use the cyanotype technique as an artistic creative method. Vicki Reed, Christian Marclay and Zhang Dali are among the artists who nowadays practice this technique in different contexts. In this context, in this article, the significant works of the history of cyanotype are examined by using a descriptive method. Next to this, the place of the cyanotype technique in today’s photography is discussed. Finally, a case study of this technique, named Istanbul Blue, is explained in detail. Read More