Title: About a question of Gateva-Ivanova and Cameron on square-free set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Abstract:In this article, we introduce a new sequence N¯m to find a new estimation of the cardinality Nm of the minimal involutive square-free solution of level m. As an application, using the first values of ...In this article, we introduce a new sequence N¯m to find a new estimation of the cardinality Nm of the minimal involutive square-free solution of level m. As an application, using the first values of N¯m, we improve the estimations of Nm obtained by Gateva-Ivanova and Cameron and Lebed and Vendramin. Following the approach of the first part, in the last section we construct several new counterexamples to the Gateva-Ivanova’s Conjecture.Read More