Title: Improvement the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Epoxy–Polyurethane Matrix Resin by Using Kevlar Fiber and ZnO Particles
Abstract:This work focuses on the synthesis of hybrid polymer composite matrix materials prepared from the epoxy–Polyurethane resin (Polyprime EP) as matrix reinforced phase by using (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) Zin...This work focuses on the synthesis of hybrid polymer composite matrix materials prepared from the epoxy–Polyurethane resin (Polyprime EP) as matrix reinforced phase by using (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) Zinc oxide particles and 5% woven roving Kevlar fiber (00-900) kind (49). Mechanical and physical tests such as tensile strength, impact strength, hardness, density, thermal conductivity, and water absorption were done. The results showed increased hardness with increasing volume fraction of ZnO for the ratios (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). The impact strength was increased for volume fraction of zinc oxide at 15%, modulus of elasticity at 5%, thermal conductivity at 20% and density test at 10%. The stress increased at volume fraction of zinc oxide at 10% and 15%. The water absorption decreased with increasing volume fraction of ZnO additives.Read More