Title: Toroidal Orbifolds: Resolutions, Orientifolds and Applications in String Phenomenology
Abstract:This thesis is concerned with the geometry of toroidal orbifolds and their applications in string theory. By resolving the orbifold singularities via blow-ups, one arrives at a smooth Calabi-Yau manif...This thesis is concerned with the geometry of toroidal orbifolds and their applications in string theory. By resolving the orbifold singularities via blow-ups, one arrives at a smooth Calabi-Yau manifold. The systematic method to do so is explained in detail. Also the transition to the Orientifold quotient is explained. In the second part of this thesis, applications in string phenomenology are discussed. The applications belong to the framework of compactifications with fluxes in type IIB string theory. The first example belongs to the category of model building, flux-induced soft supersymmetry breaking parameters are worked out explicitly. The second example belongs to the subject of moduli stabilization along the lines of the KKLT proposal. Orientifold models which result from resolutions of toroidal orbifolds are discussed as possible candidate models for an explicit realization of the KKLT proposal.Read More