Title: Deposited Particulate Matter Enrichment in Heavy Metals and Related Health Risk: A Case Study of Krakow, Poland
Abstract:The aim of these investigations was to determine the impact of heavy metals bound with deposited particulate matter (PM) on contamination degree and related toxicological effects by calculating enrich...The aim of these investigations was to determine the impact of heavy metals bound with deposited particulate matter (PM) on contamination degree and related toxicological effects by calculating enrichment indices, namely, the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF), and enrichment factor (EF), as well as the ecological risk index (ERI) and modified hazard quotient (mHQ). Calculations were made based on the selected element concentrations determined in deposited PM samples in Krakow. The results of the investigations revealed that deposited PM was enriched in heavy metals. As Igeo provides information on the level of metal accumulation, it was found that deposited PM was practically uncontaminated with Be, Cd, and Tl (class 0) but heavily to extremely contaminated (class 5) with Co and Sn and extremely contaminated (class 6) with As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, V, and Zn. On the other hand, the calculated values of CF revealed very high contamination of deposited PM with Cd and Zn, considerable contamination with Sn, Pb, and As, and moderate contamination with Cu and Li. Values of calculated EF revealed that among the investigated elements, only Zn originated from anthropogenic sources. For Cd, a small influence of anthropogenic sources was observed. For Pb and Sn, non-crustal sources of emission were expected. The calculated ERI values indicated potential ecological risk levels that were very high for Cd and considerable for Zn, as well as low potential ecological risk for As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Tl. Moreover, the calculated mHQ values of severity of contamination were extreme for Zn, considerable for Cr, and moderate for As, Cu, and Pb. The analysis revealed that the impact of atmospheric and re-suspended PM on inhabitants constitutes a complex effect of a mixture of heavy metals simultaneously affecting human health.Read More