Title: Biological Corridors as a Connectivity Tool in the Region of the Great American Chaco: Identification of Biodiversity Hotspots in the Ecoregions of the Paraguayan Chaco
Abstract:This work presents the main biodiversity hotspots existing in the Paraguayan Chaco and is an update of the results obtained in the first Ecoregional Assessment of the Great American Chaco. These are t...This work presents the main biodiversity hotspots existing in the Paraguayan Chaco and is an update of the results obtained in the first Ecoregional Assessment of the Great American Chaco. These are the results of a series of workshops that included scientific and technical discussions carried out by local experts in zoology, botany, forestry, soil science, and hydrogeology applying a biodiversity vision of 25-30 years for the territory, after overlapping the maps of the first assessment with that of the advance of the changes of land use in the territory. Criteria for detecting biodiversity hotspots were discussed, including: permanent and temporary watercourses, other bodies of water such as fresh and salty lagoons, reserve areas of different categories, as well as important bird areas (IBAs), RAMSAR areas and others, which must be connected in the future, combining the production areas with the conservation of biodiversity.Read More