Title: Syakhsiyyah (Personality) In Education: Issues and Resolutions
Abstract:This paper discusses the issues of syakhsiyyah (personality) in education by relating to scholarly essays, theories, documents, and books with reference to the National Philosophy of Education, based ...This paper discusses the issues of syakhsiyyah (personality) in education by relating to scholarly essays, theories, documents, and books with reference to the National Philosophy of Education, based on which, it can be concluded that the objective of the country's education is to produce outstanding and well-balanced individuals in terms of academic, personality, and self-identity. Hence, this paper concentrates on three issues on personality and their resolutions. Excellence in education today focuses on intellectual rather than personal as the achievement of each student is measured by the number of 'A' grades obtained in the results of examinations, especially public examinations. The dilemma is that students cannot retain academic excellence when they have poor personality. Thus, intellectual excellence alone is not sufficient to accomplish the philosophy. Holistic emphasis must be carried out to reinforce success so that everyone can reap the benefits. Through this paper, understanding about personality in education can be improved and increased.Read More