Title: Improvement of Smart Wearable Device to Assure Right Direction for Elderly People
Abstract:The aim of this study is to create an efficient monitoring system for elderly people in society.As the number of elderly people is increasing, most of the aged people rest their lives in the old-age h...The aim of this study is to create an efficient monitoring system for elderly people in society.As the number of elderly people is increasing, most of the aged people rest their lives in the old-age home.During leading their life in the old-age home, aged people face many problems who reach 58-62 or above of their age.This problem can be listed such as falling sudden illness, incapability of hearing clearly at a certain normal decibel level, unable to move anywhere without the co-operation of others.In this, we have introduced an effective solution that has ability to monitor older persons, a low-cost alarming system and so on.Those can be ameliorated to some extent.Recently, advance wearable and sensor technologies have improved the prospects of this service for caring for aged people.In this proposed project can ensure that the care of aged people by smart device services which can give voice direction to go to the desired room between many rooms and take immediate help if it's necessary though pressing a single button with the alarm system.Read More