Title: LC50 determination and intoxication symptoms of a new pyridine carboxamide pesticide Flonicamid on common carp Cyprinus carpio
Abstract:The present study was undertaken to evaluate the lethal toxicity and stress signs of Flonicamid toward juvenile common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ). The 96 h LC50 values, determined 43.17 mgL-1 by probit ...The present study was undertaken to evaluate the lethal toxicity and stress signs of Flonicamid toward juvenile common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ). The 96 h LC50 values, determined 43.17 mgL-1 by probit analysis in a semi-static system. LC50 24, 48 and 72 h were 47.54, 41.83 and 43.51 mgL-1, respectively. Behavioral changes include hyperexcitement, erratic swimming, dark coloration, loss of equilibrium and lethargy were observed with different intensities. Consequently, mortality rate, stress signs and behavioral changes observed in response to the Flonicamid are dependent to dose and time exposure.Read More