Title: The Graph Isomorphism Problem: Local Certificates for Giant Action
Abstract:This thesis provides an explanation of László Babai's quasi-polynomial algorithm for the Graph Isomorphism Problem published in 2015 with a particular focus on the case of local certificates, i.e. the...This thesis provides an explanation of László Babai's quasi-polynomial algorithm for the Graph Isomorphism Problem published in 2015 with a particular focus on the case of local certificates, i.e. the case that cannot be dealt with by Luks' method. The thesis extends the explanations provided by Harald Andrés Helfgott in 2017. It is concluded that the complexity of Babai's algorithm is $\exp\left(C \left(\log n\right)^3\right)$ for $n$ the number of vertices, $C$ a constant. Group theoretical and combinatorial arguments are used to give more details on Babai's method of local certificates. They treat Luks' barrier case in which the imprimitve permutation group $G$ can be mapped onto an alternating group with large domain.Read More