Title: Morphofunctional Peculiarities of Fasciola Hepatica Organs Changes after Treatment of Sheep with Triclabendazole in Case of Fasciolosis
Abstract:The purpose of the research is to study morphofunctional changes in tegument, intestines and parenchyma of Fasciola hepatica after triclabendazole influence. Materials and methods. The objects of the ...The purpose of the research is to study morphofunctional changes in tegument, intestines and parenchyma of Fasciola hepatica after triclabendazole influence. Materials and methods. The objects of the research were F. hepatica, taken from the liver of spontaneously infected sheep in 24 hours after triclabendazole influence at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Trematodes were fixed in methyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid solution at the ratio 3 : 1, and then in 70% alcohol. The material was treated by the generally accepted histologic procedure and submerged into paraffin. Sections with thickness 5–7 mkm were dyed with histological and histochemical methods and were studied in a light microscope. Results and discussion. Morphofunctional research of tegument and intestines of F. hepatica – organs which perceived anthelminthic first, showed its deep structural changes after triclabendazole influence. Parenchyma – a tissue of internal environment, which is a system regulating parasite's organism metabolic processes and homeostasis is also exposed to anthelminthic influence. Parenchyma's decay products increase toxic properties of anthelminthic and his metabolites, and in common this greatly influences on reproductive organs, including a female with eggs.Read More