Title: "A'mâk-ı Hayal" Romanında Tasavvuf, Budizm, Hinduizm ve Zerdüştîlik Açısından Va
Abstract:Sehbenderzâde Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi (1865-1914) is among the significant intellectuals and scientists of the periods of Tanzimat and Mesrutiyet.He has many works despite his short life.Mystic author su...Sehbenderzâde Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi (1865-1914) is among the significant intellectuals and scientists of the periods of Tanzimat and Mesrutiyet.He has many works despite his short life.Mystic author subjected Islam, Sufism, philosophy, positivism, materialism, spiritualism, and social issues in his intellectual and fictional works.The novel of A'mak-ı Hayal ( 1910) is one of his most famous works involving philosophical and sufi ideas.It is regarded as the first sufi novel in the Ottoman society.The author defends the understanding of unity of existence against the material ideas of that period such as positivism, materialism in his novel as in his other works.Raci, the main character of the novel, gets into doubt with unanswered questions about existence, soul, and reality while he was an educated young man.Raci, could not reassure his doubts, which covered his self like a black mark, despite his struggles of improving his education and attending spiritualism and magnetism meetings.A'mâk-ı Hayal, which is a novel of seeking in this respect, subjects Raci's reaching to unity of existence by completing his seyr-u suluk under the guidance of Aynalı Baba.Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi benefits from the understanding of oneness of Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism while suggesting his unity of existence thesis.Read More