Title: The Academic Master’s Program in Management: is it relevant to professional practice?
Abstract:This is an analysis of the relevance of an academic Master’s Program in Management to professional practice from the viewpoint of graduates and professors. The study was guided by three perspectives: ...This is an analysis of the relevance of an academic Master’s Program in Management to professional practice from the viewpoint of graduates and professors. The study was guided by three perspectives: “academic”, “social” and “institutional”. It is a descriptive study, focusing on the case of an academic program offered by a Brazilian private university. In the academic dimension, the analysis revealed its emphasis on traditional teaching methods in relation to professional and vocational aspects. A weak social identity and the inexistence of exchanges of experiences and no perception of a common technical language were highlighted in the social dimension. The prestige of the university more than the program was the main factor that influenced institutional attractiveness, albeit with no benefits of employability. The conclusions show a need to reevaluate the current content and teaching methods to integrate the degree better into management and professional practice to bridge these gaps. This article contributes to the field by identifying critical points of the degree program that require a better alignment of capability, knowledge and resources with the expectations and demands of the productive sector and society. Studies in this field in Brazil are scarce and there is little empirical evidence of the influence of management education on professional activities and organizational management.Read More