Title: Organic Polariton Lasers: Cooperative Behaviors in Amplified Emission from Single Microcrystals of Thiophene/Phenylene Co‐Oligomers toward Organic Polariton Laser (Advanced Optical Materials 17/2019)
Abstract:Polaritonic emission based on cooperative coupling of photons with excitons and/or phonons in molecular crystals is an intriguing way to realize organic lasers. As reviewed by Hisao Yanagi and co-work...Polaritonic emission based on cooperative coupling of photons with excitons and/or phonons in molecular crystals is an intriguing way to realize organic lasers. As reviewed by Hisao Yanagi and co-workers in article number 1900136, single microcrystals of thiophene/phenylene cooligomers exhibit exotic light amplification behaviors such as pulsed emission with unusual time delay and spectral splitting as well as enhanced off-resonant Raman scattering unlike the stimulated emission process in conventional photon lasing.Read More