Title: Evaluation of the labor component of the anti-crisis potential of a machine-building enterprise
Abstract:The article deals with the main methodological approaches to the estimation of labor potential. The essence of evaluation of labor potential is determined, a system of indicators characterizing the la...The article deals with the main methodological approaches to the estimation of labor potential. The essence of evaluation of labor potential is determined, a system of indicators characterizing the labor potential of the enterprise is described. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works of domestic scientists, the main methodological approaches to the estimation of labor potential are highlighted, among which expenditure, productive, comparative should be called. A model for determining the integral index of the level of the labor component of the anti-crisis potential is developed, which includes the following stages: the formation of a system of estimated indicators; construction of the model of the integrated assessment of the labor component of the enterprise's anti-crisis potential; quantitative and qualitative estimation of the integral indicator.Read More