Title: Comment on "Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe" by Erik Verlinde
Abstract:In "Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe," Verlinde mistakenly used a wrong relation $Φ_B(r)=GM_B(r)/r$ to derive one of his equations. Of course, a correct relation is $Φ_B(r)=\int GM_B(r')/r'^2 dr...In "Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe," Verlinde mistakenly used a wrong relation $Φ_B(r)=GM_B(r)/r$ to derive one of his equations. Of course, a correct relation is $Φ_B(r)=\int GM_B(r')/r'^2 dr'$. This makes the equation that he derived not valid. If this equation is nevertheless correct, his earlier equation from which he derived it is wrong.Read More