Title: The optimization of welding regimes for obtaining corrosion resistant welded constructions
Abstract:Most of the technological equipment has welded metal structures in its composition, which are strongly affected by the corrosion phenomenon. In order to achieve a reduction of the corrosion phenomenon...Most of the technological equipment has welded metal structures in its composition, which are strongly affected by the corrosion phenomenon. In order to achieve a reduction of the corrosion phenomenon it is very important that the welded joints are made using optimal parameters of the welding regime. In the research were made 6 different welded specimens, respectively 3 for the welded T-shaped joint and 3 for the cross-welded joint. The welded joints were made of 10 mm thick using S 355JR steel by the MAG welding process and using welding wire G4 Si 1 as an additive. For the 6 specimens were made analyzes of the metallographic structure thus observing what are parameters of the welding regime that allows to obtain the welded joints with high corrosion resistance.Read More