Title: Prevalence of Gingival Recession in Dental Students from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Brazil
Abstract:Gingival recessions are characterized by partial denudation of the root surface due to apical displacement of the gingival margin from the amelocemental junction and may be localized or generalized. T...Gingival recessions are characterized by partial denudation of the root surface due to apical displacement of the gingival margin from the amelocemental junction and may be localized or generalized. The aim of this study was evaluate the prevalence of gingival recession and dentine hypersensitivity of dental students of Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Were examined 80 students with on average age of 22.9, randomly selected to assess the prevalence, level of gingival recession and the presence of dentinal hypersensitivity. Fifty students had at least one gingival recession and dentine hypersensitivity was observed in 28 students. Buccal surface was the most prevalent (86.6 %), with measures mostly between 1 and 2 mm (92 %) and classified as Class I Miller (96.25 %). The pre-molars were the group most frequently affected teeth (37.35 %). Gingival recession with small measures is a very common condition in young patients.Read More