Title: Research on the Training Model of Social Sports Athletes under the Network Information Environment
Abstract:Social sports athletes are one of the important conditions to promote national fitness activities. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out systematic training for social sports athletes in order to ad...Social sports athletes are one of the important conditions to promote national fitness activities. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out systematic training for social sports athletes in order to adapt to the development of sports nationalization. Therefore, based on the network information environment, the author studies the training mode of social sports athletes. At the same time, the characteristics and existing problems of the training mode of social sports athletes in our country at the present stage are analyzed. This model is supported by the learning activity management system and focuses on the improvement of coaching professional ability. It consists of a work-oriented training course, a task-driven, coach-led teaching model and a multi-evaluation model based on formative evaluation. The research results show that the athletes participating in the training generally reflect the novel training methods, the training content is practical, and the training effect is better.Read More