Title: Toric Kähler Metrics: Cohomogeneity One Examples of Constant Scalar Curvature in Action- Angle Coordinates
Abstract:In these notes of the mini-course given by the author at the Xl-th Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria, 2009 after the introduction of the toric Kahler geometry, we...In these notes of the mini-course given by the author at the Xl-th Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria, 2009 after the introduction of the toric Kahler geometry, we present Calabi's family of U(?t)-invariant extremal Kahler metrics in symplectic action-angle coordinates and show that it actually contains, as particular cases, many in teresting cohomogeneity one examples of constant scalar curvature.Read More