Title: The first evidence of marine Badenian transgression near Koceljeva (central Paratethys, Western Serbia)
Abstract:This paper presents the first detailed biostratigraphic investigation of deposits cropping out in stream Sumijevac near Koceljeva (western Serbia). The most important fossil communities and their sign...This paper presents the first detailed biostratigraphic investigation of deposits cropping out in stream Sumijevac near Koceljeva (western Serbia). The most important fossil communities and their significance are presented. New biostratigraphic results have been achieved by the study of calcareous nannoplankton, foraminifera and mollusks fauna which clearly indicate the presence of the lower Badenian zone (Lagenid Zone), and defines preciously time of the marine transgression in this area. Further, the revised age of the sedimentary deposits presented here provides the necessary background information for future research of the Badenian sediments of Serbia and neighbouring regions.Read More