Title: Volatile Oil Composition of Some Commercial Medicinal Plants Sold in Konya, Turkey
Abstract:This study was conducted to determine the essential oil composition of some medicinal plants from herbalists that local community have interest in; The research was carried out in the Medicinal Plants...This study was conducted to determine the essential oil composition of some medicinal plants from herbalists that local community have interest in; The research was carried out in the Medicinal Plants Laboratory of Konya, in 2014 – 2015. The medicinal plants used in the research were supplied by herbalists and wholesalers who supply medicinal plants in Konya. At the end of this study, essential oil composition of medicinal plants ranged from 0.71 % (Daphne) to 5% (Thyme). The lavender essential oil composition ranged between 2% and 5%, while the composition of thyme essential oil ranged between 1% and 5%. There are several reasons for the change observed in the essential oil content of medicinal plants. In general, the effect of difference in the proportion of essential oils of the medicinal plants used in the study was as a result of the difference in regions, domestically and abroad where these plants were collected.Read More