Title: Combinatorial Biosynthesis: New Genetic Tools for Organic Synthesis of Polyketide Natural Products
Abstract:During the past decade, modular multifunctional polyketide synthases (PKSs) have presented an exciting paradigm for the controlled genetic manipulation of complex natural product biosynthesis. These e...During the past decade, modular multifunctional polyketide synthases (PKSs) have presented an exciting paradigm for the controlled genetic manipulation of complex natural product biosynthesis. These enzymes catalyze the biosynthesis of polyketide natural products by stepwise condensation and modification of metabolically derived building blocks such as malonyl-, methylmalonyl-, ethylmalonyl-, and methoxymalonyl-CoA. Many new tools for genetic manipulating and studying these multifunctional enzymes in vitro have been developed. The most significant recent advances in combinatorial biosynthesis, which is more rational and faster methods of engineering new compounds for the development of biological active agents from natural products, are reviewed.Read More