Title: Exploration on the Path of Integrating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education into the Whole Process of Talent Cultivation in Chinese Colleges and Universities
Abstract:Innovation and entrepreneurship education integrated into the whole process of talent cultivation in Chinese universities are the strategic deployments of China’s innovation-driven development. It is ...Innovation and entrepreneurship education integrated into the whole process of talent cultivation in Chinese universities are the strategic deployments of China’s innovation-driven development. It is also the need for Chinese universities to train high-quality talents. At present, China’s innovation, innovation and entrepreneurship education is restricted in the concept, talent training mechanism, teachers and other aspects. In view of the existing problems and from the perspective of the whole process of innovative and entrepreneurial education personnel training, this paper puts forward a smooth and effective training path for innovative and entrepreneurial talents from the aspects of concept renewal, mechanism improvement, curriculum construction, practical training and teacher team construction.Read More