Title: La respuesta de Quevedo al padre Pineda: una obra posiblemente censurada
Abstract:Abstract Numerous invectives against Quevedo’s works were disseminated from 1626 to 1635, coinciding with the publication of his most polemical texts: Política de Dios , Buscón and Sueños . Among the ...Abstract Numerous invectives against Quevedo’s works were disseminated from 1626 to 1635, coinciding with the publication of his most polemical texts: Política de Dios , Buscón and Sueños . Among the earliest ones, there is a diatribe against the political treatise by the Jesuit priest Juan de Pineda, handwritten and now lost. Quevedo replied to it quickly, in 1626. His response is preserved in two manuscript sources dated in the 17th century, one of them with relevant omissions never mentioned by scholars. The aim of this paper is to provide information about more than twenty excerpts that were included in the version that could be presumably closer to the author’s will; the other one, which was precisely the base text of modern editors, might have censored them. The above omissions seem to be due to a possible censure: some insulting passages against Pineda dissapear, as well as praises and quotes from a controversial Jesuit, Gabriel Vázquez, who was accused for his heterodox ideas and even imprisoned by the Inquisition.Read More