Title: Strongyloidiasis: An Unusual Cause of Gastric Outlet Obstruction
Abstract:of duodenal wall and distended stomach (Figure 1A,B).Gallbladder was abutting the duodenum but features of cholecysto-duodenal fistula (pneumobilia and delineation of gallbladder by oral contrast) wer...of duodenal wall and distended stomach (Figure 1A,B).Gallbladder was abutting the duodenum but features of cholecysto-duodenal fistula (pneumobilia and delineation of gallbladder by oral contrast) were absent.We speculate that evolvingcholecysto-duodenal fistula might have resulted in these atypical findings like the absence of pneumobilia or no noticeable fistulous communication on imaging.This correlated intra-operatively, where the gallbladder was adherent to duodenum, but there was no fistulous connection.The patient was operated with a high index of suspicion of duodenal malignancy Even postoperative cut-section of duodenum revealed mass with ulcerated mucosa at the D1-D2 junction.The correct diagnosis could only be made at final histopathological examination.To conlude, Duodenal intramural gallstone causing GOO is the rarest spectrum of complicated gallstone disease.The condition can masquerade as malignancy and may result in unwarranted major surgery.Read More