Title: Urban Green Space Management As a Support for the Climatic Function of Vegetation in Urban Environment (Case Study – Nitra)
Abstract:Regarding to global trend of increasing maximum of air temperature and extreme weather, concerned groups in cities focus on effective adaptation on these significant changes.One of the possibilities o...Regarding to global trend of increasing maximum of air temperature and extreme weather, concerned groups in cities focus on effective adaptation on these significant changes.One of the possibilities of how to solve this situation is the support of green infrastructure in local level.This study is focusing on evaluation of experiment with different type of management of green spaces as the tool for potential elimination of overheating of active surface in summer.The active management contributes to favorable thermal balance during the day.Our research shows the daily amplitude of overheating of active surface.Cooling effect and thermoregulation occur in the earlier hours, in comparing to study areas with unsuitable management.After the evaluation of analysis in the locality with study areas we can state, that the optimal management in summer months is the management with mowing in the height of 15 -20 cm without retained of grass biomass.Read More