Title: Lucas on the Affinities of the Cœrebidæ Notes on the Anatomy and Affinities of the Cœrebidæ and Other American Birds Frederick A. Lucas
Abstract:tions is the discover}-of species which absolutel}' bridge the previously existing gap between the so-called genera Gcospiza and Cactornis. . . .This matter will be fully discussed and illustrated in ...tions is the discover}-of species which absolutel}' bridge the previously existing gap between the so-called genera Gcospiza and Cactornis. . . .This matter will be fully discussed and illustrated in a much more detailed paper which will be published as soon as practicable."Of the twentytwo new species here described, three are referred to the genus Nesojnimus, five to the genus Certhidea, seven to Geosfiza, four to Camarhynckus, and three to Pyrocephalus.There are also remarks on " Geospiza assimiUs (Gould?)" and Pyrocefkalus dubius Gould, to which P. fm'fn'mus K\(]gv>. is here referred.Mr. Ridgway has also described ' Zosterops aldabrensis from Aldabra Island, Z. niadagascariensis glorioscB from Gloriosa Island, Ci'/uivris aldabrensis from Aldabra Island, C. abbotti from Assumption Island, Centropus insularis from Aldabra and Assumption Islands, and Caprimulgtis aldabrensis from Aldabra Island.-^J. A. A.Read More