Title: Motivation for disclosure of corporate social responsibility: evidence from banking industry in Indonesia
Abstract:This research aims to investigate determining factors that influence corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSR disclosure) by examining the effects of company size, profitability, leverage, publ...This research aims to investigate determining factors that influence corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSR disclosure) by examining the effects of company size, profitability, leverage, public ownership, board of commissioner, independent commissioner, and the size of the audit committee.For this study, the samples are banking firms that are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange between the year 2010-2014.The data were extracted from audited financial reports, and sustainability reports (if available).Quantitative using secondary data.Multiple regression is the analysis performed.Results from this study showed that profitability, public ownership, board of commissioner, and independent commissioner has a positive impact towards corporate social responsibility disclosure, whilst leverage and audit committee negatively affected the company.Furthermore, there was not enough evidence to prove that the size of the company is affecting companies to disclose their corporate social responsibility activities.Read More