Title: First record of Aspicera hartigi (Hymenoptera, Figitidae) from India, with observations on its foraging behavior on Ephedra plants
Abstract:Aspicera hartigi Dalla Torre, 1889 is reported for the first time from India. A brief diagnosis and photographic illustrations of the species are provided to validate this new faunal record for India ...Aspicera hartigi Dalla Torre, 1889 is reported for the first time from India. A brief diagnosis and photographic illustrations of the species are provided to validate this new faunal record for India from the Kashmir valley in Western Himalaya. In addition, the present study for the first time reports the feeding of Aspicera hartigi on the pollination drop of the female cones in Ephedra plants, which provides novel insights about its foraging behavior and hint toward its role as pollination drop robber.Read More