Title: Mapping early job insecurity impacts of the crisis in Europe
Abstract:The objective of this chapter is to map the extent of the various forms of early job insecurity using cross-sectional data and existing and new indicators. The variations in early job insecurity acros...The objective of this chapter is to map the extent of the various forms of early job insecurity using cross-sectional data and existing and new indicators. The variations in early job insecurity across European countries before and during the crisis are examined using the available raw micro data behind the European Union's Labour Force Survey for the years 2008 and 2015 (latest available data at the time). By examining flow data between labour market states and entry probabilities from school to the labour market, the chapter compares patterns of labour market entry by individuals aged 15_29 during the crisis and before the crisis. Different indicators are estimated, all of which are linked to diverse dimensions of early job insecurity, and a composite index of early job insecurity is introduced. Countries are sorted according to the estimated composite indicator and the impact of the crisis is considered.Read More